subjek terakhir. tercomel. berwarna-warni. (macam tulis status gua plak haha)
ini merupakan subjek 'terkecil' tapi ganas kitorang
malam sebelum exam histo berlaku rusuhan kat area Abbasiah. memang x bukak buku lah gua. bukak mukabuku je. hehe
malam sebelum exam histo berlaku rusuhan kat area Abbasiah. memang x bukak buku lah gua. bukak mukabuku je. hehe
24th of July. Written.
MCQ ok. matching pun ok.
essay bolehlahhh. x susah macam 3 subjek yang mengganas sebelum2 nih.
mcq physio yg kejam. essay biochem yg buat org speechless. anat yg x kurang susah.
tapi ade bantai2 gak weh (x bantai memang x sah lah kan? haha)
25th of July. Oral Exam.
dijadualkan start pukul 8 pagi.
sampai universiti nombor terus dipanggil.
Dr Mohamed Abd Rahman.
doctor lab bawah. doctor yg ajar male reproductive system. dan doctor yg buat buku 1000 MCQs.
orang ke 4 disoal
orang sebelum2 ambil masa yg lamaaa nak habes. cuak beb.
I = Assalamualaikum , how are you doctor ?
D = Fine , thank you. Your name is Iskandar..
I = Iskandar Afiq.
D = You know we have place called Iskandariah here ?
I = Yes, of course (senyum sampai nampak enamel gigi haha)
D = So Iskandar , can you tell me about appendix ?
I = Appendix has usual layers. Mucosa , Muscularis Externa and Serosa. But it has no submucosa , no goblet cells , and no muscularis mucosa. It contains aggregation of lymphoid follicles as well.
D = What do you know about Paneth Cell ?
I = Paneth Cells an be found at the base of crypts , especially small intestine's crypts. Its function is to secrete lysozyme for anti-bacterial action.
D = Very good. Tell me where is calcitonin is secreted.
I = Calcitonin is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland.
D = Antidiuretic Hormone ? Insulin ? Testosterone ? Aldosterone ? Melatonin ?
I = ADH secreted by supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus and stored in pars nervosa of pituitary gland , Insulin by beta cells of pancreas , testosterone by Insterstitial cells of Leydig , Aldosterone by Zona Glomerulosa of Suprarenal Gland and Melatonin by Pinealocytes of Pineal Gland. (time jwb pasal melatonin gua tersilap cakap pituicytes. doctor buat muke pelik. nasib sempat tukar jawapan. doctor hanya tersenyum je )
D = Excellent. Tell me layers of cerebellar cortex.
I = Cerebellar cortex has 3 layes , Molecular layer , Purkinje layer , and Granular layer.
D = What do you know about Space of Disse ?
I = It is a space between blood sinusoid and hepatocytes. It contains fat-storing cells or Ito Cells , microvilli , Pit Cells , ....
D = Very good. Go now !
I = ^__________^
kejap je oral gua kali ni
kalau tau kejap baik pg exam pakai kain pelikat je hahaha
pulang ke ARMA 8.25 pagi
alhamdulillah tamat semua oral exam 2nd year.
pulang ke ARMA 8.25 pagi
alhamdulillah tamat semua oral exam 2nd year.
bukan Histology , tapi HistoloLOgy =)
aktiviti2 yang boleh dibuat sempena summer break (kalau x balek Malaysia)
- talaqqi Al-Quran
- pegi kelas bahasa Arab. clinical year lg 2 tahun wehh
- pg gym workout dgn
- swimming ? lama x berenang
- habiskan 7 season House untuk prepare ke 3rd year. lagi best dari TMD =)
- jom g shopping !
- pindah Abbasiah ? kene fikir panjang dulu.
- rindu family. (ingat gune gua2 xde perasaan rindu ke ha hehe)