hari ni practical exam first kitorang
practical exam paling susah (kot)
sebab exam ni satu2 nya practical exam yang ade oral sekali
practical physiology
kali ni bukan macam tahun lepas ade test untuk blood sume
tapi banyak test untuk sensation and motor system
tak susah tapi LECEH
malam sebelumnya study group ramai2 dengan sume budak arma
dipantau oleh senior2 hebat
Dr Syahir (5th Year , ASU)
Dr Effy (5th Year , AZU)
Dr Hafizudden (3rd Year , AZU)
hampir semua test dibahaskan
hari exam , 25/5/11 , 11.30 a.m
berkumpul kat makmal Harry Potter macam biase
tunggu nombor ditulis kat white board
5031 - 5041 , Dr Ebtessam
bekas Head of Department of Physiology
couple pertama masuk dalam bilik doctor
duet dengan Apai
berikut merupakan perbualan dengan doctor :
I = aku E = Dr Ebtessam
E = Can you give your Id card , please .
You are Iskandar ? Are you a Christian ?
I = Erk . No , doctor , I'm a muslim .
E =Yeah , I Know. But here in Egypt your name is for non-muslim .
I = (Dah banyak kali dengar benda ni.Hanya mampu tersenyum). Selesai Apai buat test, sampailah giliran aku.
E = Please , choose any test you want to do. (sambil tunjuk semua peralatan yang ade kat atas meja)
I = (mule2 terfikir nak amek cotton wool untuk buat crude touch,tapi bile fikir balik test tu sangat leceh aku pun amek tuning fork)
E= So what is the name of this thing ?
I = It is called a tuning fork.
E = What is the function of this thing ?
I = We can use it for vibration test as well as hearing test .
E = Can you please show me how to do vibration test ?
I = (buat test) . selesai test doctor pun start tanye macam2.
E = can you tell me the receptors for this test?
I = (fikir jap.aiseh tetibe lupe plak) owh. Pacinian and Meissner's Corpuscle.
E= so what is the adaptation for these receptors?
I = slowly adapting. (dengan muka yakin)
E= (buat muke pelik) slow ?
I= ehh. rapid.
E= Rapid ? are you sure?
I= (Alamak doctor ni. main psiko2 plak.ok jap2. fikir baik2.) ok. Rapid ! :D
E = (senyum) . so vibration is carried by which pathway ?
I = Dorsal Column Tracts.
E = can you tell me what disease can affect this tract and its manifestation.
I = this tract can be affected by a disease called tabes dorsalis. it will attack mainly the dorsal root fiber. the first sensation lost is vibration. the patient will feel severe attacks of pain and later on the pain sensation will also lost. all dorsal column tract sensation will also lost in addition to micturition disturbance.sometimes , we can also see Argyle Robertson Pupil .
E = (senyum lagi) .yes, yes. ok now can you do the Weber Test?
I = (buat Weber test )
E = so tell me what happens if the patient can hear better on on ear.
I = If the patient can hear better in left ear , for example, he has conductive deafness in that ear. meanwhile , in sensorineural deafness he can hear the sound better in the opposite ear.
E= yes. you are very good.ok, thank you.
alhamdulilah. selesai satu. :)
- rase down sangat awal minggu lepas tapi akhirnya dapat bangun balek lepas dapat semangat dari orang sekeliling.
- lecture tak reti nak habes ke ?
-OSPE sabtu ni. mohon doa semua.
-lepas maghrib ni ade kelas biochem lagi. arghh malas pulakk nak pergi. :P
- semua orang dah start bincang pasal tiket balek. serius jeles . :(
owh...we get some doc..haha
tahniah,org hebat bleyh jwb..
always fighting..chaiyokk!
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